Gay-owned CockBlock Frotting Device Shakes Up XBIZ Awards is supported by our readers. We may earn a commission if you buy through links on our site. Learn more.

It’s not every day that someone invents something totally new in the sextech space.
Sure, entrepreneurs refine product designs and lube formulas, put their own spin on white-label vibrators, and come up with taboo-busting marketing campaigns. These can all be wonderful additions to the industry for consumers and business people.
Yet a unique invention that solves a problem no one else is tackling—that turns heads.
Take the CockBlock frotting device, for example, which landed a 2024 XBIZ Awards nomination for Couples Toy of the Year. Move over heterosexuals, because it may very well be the first time this category has recognized a product designed for gay male couples.
The CockBlock was created by Toronto-based Justin Depow to enable frotting, a sex act that involves rubbing penises together for pleasure. Sometimes also referred to as frottage, the name comes from the French word “frotter” which means “to rub.”
We talked with Depow about his journey inventing the CockBlock frotting device, initially crafted for his personal use, and how this process uncovered a vibrant niche market eager for its arrival.
When did you invent and then officially launch the CockBlock frotting device?
Depow: “I came up with the idea over twenty years ago when I went to buy a product like CockBlock and couldn’t find one—I just assumed something like it had to exist.
“I started to seriously work on the project in 2010, and since I had a full-time career, worked on it in fits and starts, slowly over time figuring out the design and iterating on prototypes, securing a patent, finding a manufacturer, and building the ecommerce store.
“The site was launched on December 23, 2021, and we had our first sale the next day on Christmas Eve, the best Christmas present ever.”
What’s been the most challenging part of launching and promoting the CockBlock?

Depow: “There have been so many challenges I could write a book. I would say coming up with the right product design was the foundational challenge.
“Penises have significant ranges of size variation among individuals, so creating a product that could accommodate two of them in the right position, while keeping them aligned and rubbing the right spots took many iterations. It was also surprisingly difficult getting it manufactured properly, as the materials had to strike the right balance between softness, tightness, and elasticity.”
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What’s been most surprising about the experience of launching the CockBlock?
Depow: “I always felt that CockBlock would resonate within the queer community, but of course, you never really know until a product hits the market. We only advertise in Canada and the US, and yet we’ve shipped to customers in over 40 countries, so the extent of the global interest this early has been very surprising.
Why did you decide to call the device the CockBlock and what has the response been to the name? It’s not always considered sex-positive in heterosexual circles.

Depow: “The name happened organically. As I started sketching out early designs, I realized the product would have to be block-shaped. It needed to be flat against bodies to be comfortable and positionally stable, and the sides had to have more material to add rigidity to prevent the penises from crisscrossing.
“I had an ah-ha moment realizing that a block for two cocks . . . is a cockblock. It just felt like a great opportunity to redefine a word already associated with sex. The fact that the original meaning has a negative connotation adds a bit of cognitive dissonance when you first hear it, which only makes the name more memorable; it’s very sticky.
“We’ve had problems with it, though—some algorithms flag that word as explicit which we weren’t expecting, and we considered changing it, but it has really resonated with our customers. We did a survey in September and 94% either love, like, or don’t dislike the name, with “love it” being the most selected answer. So, it’s here to stay. We sometimes refer to it as the C*Block depending on the medium.”
What motivated you to create the product?
Depow: “After I accepted my sexuality and came out, I thought the biggest challenges with being gay were behind me, only to discover that penetrative sex was very difficult for me. This led to a lot of disappointment and anxiety, so I started to think about solutions for alternate forms of intimate gay sex.
“After many years and many doctors, I was extremely fortunate to get referred to a rare specialist while living in Chicago that finally gave me a proper diagnosis and successful treatment. Yet even after this, I found myself still wanting a face-to-face, satisfying sexual option when penetrative sex wasn’t convenient, and I frequently heard this need echoed by others in the gay community.
“One of the most memorable and gratifying moments came soon after launch when a customer reached out to thank us for CockBlock. He explained he had colitis and couldn’t enjoy penetrative sex. That comment truly helped motivate us to push through a lot of business challenges at the time.”
What would it mean to you if you won the XBIZ award?
Depow: “While it’s great to win, being nominated already means the world to me and the team as it’s a validation of all the hard work that we’ve put into this project. We are so incredibly excited.”

Jenna Owsianik is a Canadian journalist and sex tech industry expert. She is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Sex For Every Body®.
Her expertise covers state-of-the-art sex technologies and the major fields driving innovations in intimacy: robotics, virtual reality, remote sex (teledildonics), haptics, immersive adult entertainment, human augmentation, virtual sex, and sexual health.
A trained journalist with a Masters of Journalism from The University of British Columbia, Jenna’s reporting has appeared on, Al Jazeera English, CTV British Columbia online, CBS Sunday Morning, CBS 60 Minutes, Global News, and CKNW Radio in Canada and the United States.