Sex News: Accessible Sex Toys, Disabled Dating & Op-ed on Decriminalizing Sex Work in Nevada is supported by our readers. We may earn a commission if you buy through links on our site. Learn more.

“The ATOM and ATOM plus toys have been major sellers for this British-born global brand since their launch in 2018. So why go Lux? Thanks to the introduction of a versatile remote, users can now seamlessly switch between settings without ever needing to touch the toy. A totally hands-free experience – if that’s what you want…. And with the same legendary integrated dual-motor system designed to deliver delicious vibrations to both the perineum and the top of the shaft, the ATOM PLUS LUX cock ring offers a completely unique and intense experience.” (via Hot Octopuss)

“It’s a conversation that, as single disabled women, we’ve had many times. Whether to try and pass as non-disabled or tell someone you (might) want to date is a tricky decision to make. And it’s one disabled single people are navigating all the time. It is, unfortunately, a crucial part of the disabled dating experience.

“While we shouldn’t have to disclose a disability to the people we might end up going on a date with, the harsh reality is that we do have to consider the potential negative reactions and consequences of being upfront.” (via Melissa Parker/Cosmopolitan)

“I’m going to keep up the good stuff we’ve been delivering with an emphasis on the sex & dating lives that don’t get enough attention on our platform and others. I want to see more content on sex, dating and disability.

“I want to publish more work about T4T sex. I want to curate a whole series of sex guides specifically by and for fat folks. I want share work about dating in the asexual community. I want to publish essays about navigating dating as a sex worker. And across the board, I want to center and prioritize the knowledge and experiences of QTPOC writers and sex educators.” (via Ro White/Autostraddle)

Atom Plus Lux remote operated vibrating cock ring

“OneVibe has been created with accessibility directly in mind. We have considered our users which could include people who experience dyspareunia, musculoskeletal disorders, movement disorders and YOU! That’s right, this product can really be moulded to suit your needs – regardless of disability or no-disability.

The OneVibe is non-invasive, soft, and has tactile buttons. It’s made from medical-grade silicone and is flexible to allow for versatility of use. We are bursting at the seams to tell you more about this product and how it can be made more accessible to suit your needs, but for now, you’ll just have to wait and see.” (via XES Products)

“As residents of Nevada, we are in the unique situation of having legal forms of prostitution, which occurs in rural brothels, while in the cities, prostitution is illegal. Many praise the brothels for their safety record of preventing deadly diseases… However, the current situation does not work at all and that’s why I’ve decided to change the system with my PAC [A Safer Nevada] by decriminalizing sex work in all of Nevada…

“I was born with a facial disability and dating has been hard with it. I can’t tell you how hurtful it is to be your best and to put your best self out there, only to be rejected by society; to randomly have a stranger verbally assault you for how you look. This rejection led me to begin soliciting brothels for the last seven years. But as I patronized the brothels, I saw things that could be improved or girls confided in me about horror stories.” (via Russell Greer/Reno Gazette Journal)

Image sources: Hot Octopuss

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