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Spoil Me CBD Massage Oil Pods

For people seeking to test the potential sexual benefits of CBD oil, you may want to try a massage oil I found that comes with a warming dispenser. The Spoil Me CBD massage oil...

psychedelic fungi magic mushrooms

Safe Sex on Magic Mushrooms

If you have ever thought about having sex on “magic mushrooms” or psychedelics, you are not alone. Many people are intrigued about how psilocybin and other psychedelics may improve their sex lives. Now that...

woman with cannabis journal for patients from Goldleaf journals while in bed

Cannabis Journals and Tracking Apps

Sometimes when we are feeling amazing or perhaps not-so-good, we’re not always aware of what is contributing to our pleasure or discomfort. A great way to learn more about yourself and how cannabis use...

The primary sources of sex ed for adults in the United States.

Top 13 Sources of Sex Ed for Adults

What is your go-to resource for sexual health information? A survey of more than 2,000 adults in the United States reveals a range of different primary sex education sources, including doctors, pornography, and TikTok....